Impaakt's Story: Putting People at the Heart of Sustainability

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Impaakt was built out of a desire to bring together sustainability enthusiasts. Traditionally, a single-expert approach has always been favored. Impaakt’s founders felt differently.

They decided to turn to you, citizens, consumers, employees - global society - as inhabitants of this planet, who feel the impact of companies daily to take the power back. The power of collective intelligence paved the way for a reimagination of sustainability, driven by stakeholders.

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Our Stakeholder-Powered Solution for Investors

It all started with a focus on the financial sector. Our founders wanted to create sustainability data that measured true impact, without being hindered by greenwashing risks that are present through the single-expert, “tick-the-box” approach. This meant building and bringing together a community of certified analysts and raters to give us the ultimate approach to impact measurement.

Today, through our impact wiki we have built a community of over 55,000 members, amassing 1 million materiality assessments for over 5,000 companies. This data, used by investors and financial institutes, steers capital towards companies having the most positive impact.

Our Stakeholder-Powered Solution for Corporates

We didn’t stop there. We realised that stakeholder-powered sustainability was in great demand. We wanted to push the limits further and help all kinds of stakeholders through this approach. Impaakt developed a reporting tool to guide corporates in their regulatory journey. 

The Corporate Sustainability Disclosure Regulation (CSRD) came into force in January 2023, and and given our expertise in materiality assessments and stakeholder engagement, we offer a turnkey solution. Today, we are supporting numerous companies in conducting Double Materiality Assessments as well as consulting services.

Our Story Founders

Our Stakeholder-Powered Solution for Citizens

Finally, we cannot forget about the sustainability enthusiasts that are at the forefront of this sustainability journey: the citizens. We believe that citizens should be in the driver’s seat when it comes to sustainability, and that includes sustainable investing.

We have developed a unique tool that allows citizens to input their sustainability preferences to craft a bespoke list of companies and ETFs that align with their convictions. This tool encourages citizens to regain control of their investments and move away from letting their bankers decide what makes an investment sustainable.

Our Values


Everyone heard, every voice matters.

We believe in the power of collective intelligence. Impaakt fosters an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome and everyone has a say in shaping a more sustainable future.


No more greenwashing.

We believe real impact requires real data. Impaakt provides full transparency in our methodology, so you can trust the information that guides your decisions.


Unveiling the truth, together.

Our commitment is to integrity. We don't settle for compromises. Impaakt strives to reveal a common truth, a consensus built through collaboration, so you can make informed choices based on shared reality.

Our Mission.

Empowering stakeholders everywhere to make informed decisions through the most reliable source for global sustainability and impact information.

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Explore Company Scores

Our stakeholder-powered solution measures the relevance and significance of each topic for over 5,000 companies.

No Results
= Impact on the environment = Impact on society