CSRD Made Easy

A turnkey SaaS solution to your CSRD compliance and DMA needs.

Corporate Management

A comprehensive CSRD process.

How is your company ensuring it is in line with CSRD requirements?

The CSRD introduces stricter data management practices and a mandatory double materiality assessment. This assessment analyzes both how your company impacts the environment and society (outside-in) and how environmental and social factors (externalities) affect your business (inside-out). To ensure a successful assessment, engaging a broad range of relevant stakeholders is crucial. This includes fostering a comprehensive stakeholder community.

Our comprehensive CSRD solution simplifies the process by providing a central platform to:

  • Collect and manage data efficiently through our tools to ensure accuracy and transparency.

  • Gather stakeholder insights and conduct a double materiality assessment to understand their concerns and prioritize your sustainability efforts.

  • Track and benchmark your sustainability progress to demonstrate continuous improvement to your stakeholders.

Discover How We Simplify CSRD Compliance

Access our CSRD Compliance Toolkit to explore what our stakeholder-powered solution can provide


Our Approach

Assess Materiality

Collect, manage and assess the financial and non-financial data and impacts across topics relevant to your products and services.

By People Who Matter

Show your ability to engage and integrate the input of diverse stakeholders.

CSRD Data Management

Track progress, benchmark against peers, and refine your strategy for ongoing impact by identifying risks, opportunities, and potential impact issues.

An Integrated Impact Management Platform

Impaakt understands that sustainability thrives on collective action. We empower companies to effortlessly input and manage their sustainability data, engage diverse stakeholders and deliver a CSRD-compliant report – through our intuitive platform. This unique, integrated approach allows stakeholders to identify and weigh in on relevant environmental, social, and governance topics, ultimately prioritizing the most material issues impacting your business and the world.

The Impaakt platform seamlessly handles stakeholder onboarding, training, and management. This ensures open communication and participation while streamlining compliance with evolving regulatory demands like the CSRD. We stay up-to-date on these requirements, ensuring your data collection, stakeholder engagement, and reporting processes are efficient and compliant.

Prepare, engage, assess, benchmark.

To learn more about how our corporate impact measurement solution works, get in touch with our team.

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