On-Demand Coverage

Quick, reactive custom impact research
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Data when you need it

Don't be restricted by what your data provider decides is important. If you have a specific company you want to further investigate, Impaakt can help.

Our clients benefit from our community of Analysts and Raters through structured research projects, enabling you to cover and assess the companies for which sustainability data is missing.

We provide quick, reactive research and scores of quality or the re-assessment of companies that may have scores differing from your assumptions and expectations. This unique tool can help justify certain funds (such as Article 8 and 9 Funds) and engage stakeholders.

On-Demand Capacity

+600 Impact Analysts

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+50k Impact Raters

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Human Verification Process

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On-Demand Impact Research Within Reach


We provide quick, reactive research and scores of quality on companies lacking impact data.


Our community covers and assesses the importance of environmental and social issues on companies of choice.


Our community can reassess the impact of your investee company to help classify funds (Article 8 & 9 Funds).