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"Vodafone has created digital solutions that help people leave poverty, find jobs and feel protected."

The Impaakt Team

7 min Read Time | May 13th 2022

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What is the impact of Vodafone's solutions on society?

Our article of the week selects the top published pieces on the Impaakt platform that week. We assess how companies impact the planet and society through their products, processes, and even their ideas—ultimately creating data and reports for financial institutes to use when decision making.

The winner this week is:

Written by: Ardit Naka

Company: Vodafone

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Read the full article below.

"Vodafone has created digital solutions that help people leave poverty, find jobs and feel protected."

Due to the growing division of labor between humans and machines, skills like programming, app development, problem-solving, and negotiating will be more demanded1. In 2020, there was a 35% skill shortage in cyber security2. A survey found that 18% of young people claim they lack the skills to do any kind of job3. Information and communication technology has a significant impact on access to finance, as it increases productivity and access to services while also creating opportunities for society4.

Vodafone, a telecom company, created M-PESA. This mobile transaction platform allows consumers to store, send, and receive money in the same manner that text messages are sent and received. The app helped 185,000 women in Kenya progress from subsistence farming and various part-time jobs into business or retail sales. Overall, M-PESA helped 195,000 Kenyan households escape poverty, impacting women the most12.

Vodafone also launched the Future Jobs Finder6. The tool provides free-of-cost career guidance and training content to young job seekers6. Apart from providing training, it also serves as a job navigator for roles involving digital skills6. It offers a series of psychometric tests designed to gauge the aptitude and interest of an individual7,9;p24. Based on the analysis of this test, the user is then assigned the most suitable category of work in the digital economy7,9;p24. By 2020, the tool recorded +500K test completions and over 350Mn users9;p6, potentially helping thousands of people find jobs.

Vodafone also has several initiatives to support victims of domestic violence10. An example is TecSOS: live in 5 countries, benefiting +100,000 users. This technology enables faster access to the police in an emergency10. The police confirmed an 11% improvement in response times with the app. The service allowed fast emergency responses, preventing injuries11.

Vodafone is improving thousands of people's lives through its digital social solutions.

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