Impact Checklist

Faye Turner

8 min Read Time | March 25th 2020

Submission Checklist

Want to ensure your Impact Analysis gets published? Well, that's what this list is for. Here at Impaakt we pride ourselves on robust, reliable and objective information, ensuring that we continue to deliver the highest quality analyses on the impact of businesses.

In order to do so, all of the submissions to our platform are thoroughly checked and verified by our team of experts. So, if you want to ensure your submission meets all of our requirements, use this checklist as your go-to, before hitting the submit button.

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  • The Impact Analysis is about one (and only one) of the priority companies from the list.  (We update the list frequently to fit our coverage requirements. Please make sure you check that the company you chose is on the list before you select your topic and submit your analysis.)

  • The Impact Analysis does not repeat an analysis that was already published on the Impaakt platform.

  • The Impact Analysis has been attached to the SDG that is the most relevant to the topic it covers.

  • The Impact Analysis has been attached to the company whose impact is described in the analysis.


  • The Impact Analysis focuses on one impact topic only. An activity that leads to multiple impacts should lead to writing up several Impact Analyses (one for each impact).

  • 100% of the Impact Analysis talks about environmental or social impact and does not provide any other information that is irrelevant to impact assessment.

  • 100% of the Impact Analysis talks about current and actual impact as opposed to the company’s future plans, announcements or objectives.

  • The Impact Analysis provides all the quantitative information needed to properly assess the value of the impact (i.e. how negative/positive is the impact described on a scale from -5 to +5).

  • The Impact Analysis provides all the quantitative information needed to properly assess the severity of the impact (i.e. how small/large is the impact described on a scale from 1 to 5).


The Impact Analysis is structured as follows:

1. An introduction that sets the stage for the reader

2. A core part where the impact analysis is developed

3. A conclusion that recaps the key point.

  • The introduction of the Impact Analysis explains why the issue covered is important and why it is relevant to the chosen company.

  • The core part of the Impact Analysis develops a structured analysis that explains how the company’s activities impact the chosen topic/issue.

  • The conclusion of the Impact Analysis is a good recap of the main point the author wanted to make. The Impact Analysis is articulate and well structured.

  • The progression of ideas is clear and coherent.


  • The Impact Analysis is objective and unbiased. It does not engage in company bashing or glorifying. Its tone remains neutral.

  • All the statements made in the Impact Analysis are supported by facts and figures coming from identified sources.

  • The headline of the Impact Analysis is an accurate summary of the full content developed in the analysis. There are no discrepancies between the headline and the analysis.

  • The sources given to support the analysis are diverse, reliable and trustworthy.

  • The sources given to support the analysis are all in English.

  • The sources given to support the analysis are all in free access. They are not behind a paywall or restricted to some users.

  • The statements made in the analysis are true to the sources they refer to.


  • The Impact Analysis has been written in English with the appropriate level of grammar. There are no typos.


  • The Impact Analysis does not engage in any form of plagiarism. Sentences taken from other sources are properly quoted, sourced and put in Italics.

  • The in-text source referencing follows the official nomenclature in superscript (example1;p.1-2)


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With the right investment companies having a positive impact on the planet are able to flourish. Our community forms part of that mission by measuring their impact.

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