Step 5: Go Beyond Rating

The Impaakt Team

6 min Read Time | November 25th 2022

Key Takeaways


You can contribute by reporting mistakes on published analyses that you may spot while reading and rating.


Companies' advanced reports are a great tool to explore and use while rating.



There are other ways you can actively contribute to the platform while rating. You can, for instance, take part in the quality control of published analyses through the “Report” feature and explore companies' bubble graphs.

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Reporting mistakes in published analysis

All analyses published on our platform go through a rigorous reviewing process before their publication. Our Reviewing team does a great job at helping Analysts bring their work to publishing standards, including in terms of accuracy. However, it does happen that some details escape them. Additionally, our standards can evolve, and some content can become outdated, among other things.

You will read many analyses while rating. During this process, you may spot some errors in the published analyses, including:

  • Calculation errors
  • Typo/Grammar issues
  • Misleading statements
  • Source(s) not working
  • Other

If you identify any mistake, you can inform the issue using the "report" feature on the analysis page.

The "report" button is located on the left side of the text. Click on it and a panel will open. On this panel, you can select the category of the issue found and add a detailed description. Try to be brief but precise in the description. Then click on report. This will forward the message to our team, who will take the necessary actions

Our model relies on collective intelligence, and we appreciate that community members also act as critical readers and a second pair of eyes.

Together, we will maintain the high-quality standards of the platform!

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Exploring companies' bubble graphs

Another exciting exercise you can do while reading and rating analyses on the platform is to explore the companies' bubble graphs and advance company reports. This exercise can give you a broader view of a company's social and environmental impacts.

Side note: as a user of the platform's free version, you will have access to the bubble graph from the golden companies plus 10 extra companies that you can choose per month.

Finding the bubble graph

Once you are logged in, you will see a bubble graph with all the companies featured on the platform, the "Impaakt Universe" bubble graph. Clicking on one company will lead you to this company page and its specific bubble graph.

To go back to the initial main graph, you can click on the "Impaakt" logo in the top left corner. Alternatively, you can also go back by clicking on “Impaakt Universe” under the header “Explore”

Understanding the bubble graph

The bubble graph shows the distribution of overall impact scores per topic for a given company. On the x-axis, you have the impact value (from -5 to +5); on the y-axis, you have the severity (from 0 to 1,000).

Hovering your mouse over the bubble will give you the exact value and severity, as well as some other information, like the headline of the analysis, the categories assigned to the analysis, and the number of ratings made. Clicking on one particular bubble will open the analysis.

At this point, you may be asking yourself why the maximum score is 1,000. This is so because the baseline score is calculated as the product of the three dimensions (scale, scope, and irremediability) divided by 25 and then multiplied by 200, so the minimum score is 8 (for a severity of 1-1-1) and the maximum is 1,000 (for a severity of 5-5-5), as you can see in the bubble graph y-axis.

However, to make it simple while rating, we reduced these values to a five-point scale ranging from 1 to 5.

Using the bubble graph for rating

Before rating, you can look at the company's bubble graph to have a general overview of its scores. Does it make sense? Do you agree with the scores given?

If you disagree with a given score or if you become interested in one specific topic, you can click on the bubble and proceed to the analysis's rating as usual.


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With the right investment companies having a positive impact on the planet are able to flourish. Our community forms part of that mission by measuring their impact.

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